PHP xml_set_element_handler() Function

❮ Complete PHP XML Reference

Definition and Usage

The xml_set_element_handler() function specifies functions to be called at the start and end of an element in the XML document.

This function returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure.



Parameter Description
parser Required. Specifies XML parser to use
start Required. Specifies a function to be called at the start of an element
end Required. Specifies a function to be called at the end of an element

The Function specified by the "start" parameter must have three parameters:

Parameter Description
parser Required. Specifies a variable containing the XML parser calling the handler
name Required. Specifies a variable containing the name of the elements, that triggers this function, from the XML file as a string
data Required. Specifies an array containing the elements attributes from the XML file as a string

The Function specified by the "end" parameter must have two parameters:

Parameter Description
parser Required. Specifies a variable containing the XML parser calling the handler
name Required. Specifies a variable containing the name of the elements, that triggers this function, from the XML file as a string

Tips and Notes

Note: The start and end parameters can also be an array containing an object reference and a method name.



function start($parser,$element_name,$element_attrs)
    case "NOTE":
    echo "-- Note --<br />";
    case "TO":
    echo "To: ";
    case "FROM":
    echo "From: ";
    case "HEADING":
    echo "Heading: ";
    case "BODY":
    echo "Message: ";

function stop($parser,$element_name)
  echo "<br />";

function char($parser,$data)
  echo $data;


while ($data=fread($fp,4096))
  xml_parse($parser,$data,feof($fp)) or
  die (sprintf("XML Error: %s at line %d",


The output of the code above will be:

-- Note --
To: Tove
From: Jani
Heading: Reminder
Message: Don't forget me this weekend!

❮ Complete PHP XML Reference